Monday, March 30, 2020

China trades supplies to corona victim countries, marks earning profit of human death.

China trades supplies to corona victim countries, marks earning profit of human death.

Whole planet is suffering the threat of Coronavirus these days.  Thousands of people round the globe are losing their precious lives daily .
Coronavirus test 

China, the native of  virus is now out of the grip of virus. Thus is now taking it as advantage China  trades medical facilities wit the nation's facing corona spread.
COVID-19 patient treatment

China exports it's medical supplies selling $467 million medical cares to Spain.

Spain, for example, Health Minister Salvador Illa announced Wednesday that the country had bought $467 million in medical supplies from China, including 950 ventilators, 5.5 million testing kits, 11 million gloves and more than half a billion protective face masks.

Soon after receiving the supplies, the Spanish government announced plans to return 9,000 "quick result" test kits to China, El Pais reported, because they were deemed substandard, specifically the sensibility of the test was around 30 percent, when it should be higher than 80 percent.

China admitted that the kits they sold to Spain were bought from Bioeasy, a Chinese company not licensed to make them.

The time and money Spain wasted on faulty supplies could have devastating effects on a country that is now in its second week of a national lockdown after cases of COVID-19 spiked.

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